Tag Archives: update

Update Plex – FreeNAS 11.3

The path to the iocage jails has changed in FreeNAS 11.3. This post shows the new path, but the instructions are the exact same as they were on FreeNAS 11.2.

  1. Download the newest Plex Update via Plex Dashboard Link
  2. Extract the file twice so folders can be accessed
  3. Rename folder plexmediaserver
    For Plex Pass Subscribers, rename plexmediaserver-plexpass
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png

4. Stop the current Plex Jail
5. Open WinSCP and login to FreeNAS and browse to: /mnt/FreeNAS/iocage/jails/plexpass/root/usr/local/share
6. Rename existing plexmediaserver folder and add _old at the end
7. Copy the plexmediaserver folder you downloaded into the WinSCP window

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-9.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-3.png

8. Right-Click on the copied folder and set permissions recursively to 0775
9. Open the plexmediaserver folder and select the file Plex Media Server
10. Click New Link

11. Name the link Plex_Media_Server and click OK
12. Click the Link you created and select the Console Button
13. Enter the command: chmod -h 775 Plex_Media_Server

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-7.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-8.png

Upgrade Complete!

Update Plex – FreeNAS iocage

Manual Plex Upgrade

  1. Download the newest Plex Update via Plex Dashboard Link
  2. Extract the file twice so folders can be accessed
  3. Rename folder plexmediaserver
    For Plex Pass Subscribers, rename plexmediaserver-plexpass

4. Stop the current Plex Jail
5. Open WinSCP and login to FreeNAS and browse to /mnt/iocage/jails/root/usr/local/share/
6. Rename existing plexmediaserver folder and add _old at the end
7. Copy the plexmediaserver folder you downloaded into the WinSCP window

8. Right-Click on the copied folder and set permissions recursively to 0775
9. Open the plexmediaserver folder and select the file Plex Media Server
10. Click New Link

11. Name the link Plex_Media_Server and click OK
12. Click the Link you created and select the Console Button
13. Enter the command: chmod -h 775 Plex_Media_Server

Upgrade Complete!

Update Plex Plugin on FreeNAS 11

If you are rocking your own FreeNAS storage at home or office, you’ll know that FreeNAS’ built-in plugins are hardly up to date. Updating the Plex plugin is fairly straightforward.

1. SSH to your FreeNAS
2. type: jls
3. Take the note of the Jail # of your Plex plugin
4. type:  jexec # csh (where # is the number of the jail noted in last step)
5. type:  fetch -o PMS_Updater.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mstinaff/PMS_Updater/master/PMS_Updater.sh
5. type:  chmod 755 PMS_Updater.sh
6. type:  ./PMS_Updater.sh -u PlexPass_User -p PlexPass_password -a


Patch and Update VMware ESXi via SSH CLI

Most clients using VMware patch and update their vSphere Hosts using VMware Update Manager or VUM. This provides an easy GUI to find needed updates and apply them to your ESXi Hosts. Once in awhile, VUM has issues patching hosts. And to use VUM, you need a valid licensed vCenter. So those of you using the Free ESXi or need to patch hosts not registered to your vCenter, the easiest way to patch your hosts is through the SSH Command Line (CLI). I will run this process down, step by step.

– Login to your free MyVmware.com account and download the latest patches

– In the portal, select the ESXi (embedded and installable), and select your version of ESXi you need to patch. Then download the latest update. The patches are cumulative, so the latest update will include all previous patches as well.

– Shutdown your VMs using the Windows vSphere Client and put the host into maintenance mode.

– Enable SSH on the host by selecting the host in the vSphere Client, clicking on Configuration, Security Profile, and click Properties in the top right hand corner. Open SSH and click the Start button.

– Using the vSphere Client, browse to a local Datastore and upload the downloaded patch to the root of the Datastore, (or a folder of your choosing).

– Using Putty or some other SSH tool, type in the IP address of your host, and login with the “root” user.

– Now on to patching the host. Type the following command, replacing this example path with the patch of where you uploaded the patch (in zip format).

esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/<your_datastore>/<name_of_the_patch_you_uploaded.zip

– Wait a few minutes, after which you should see a bunch of text showing the status of the update.

– Finally, type “reboot” and you should be all updated after the reboot!