Tag Archives: Netwize

Infinio Accelerator: Server-Side Caching for Insane Acceleration

Server Side Caching isn’t a totally new concept, but it is a hot market right now as storage providers try and push the speed limits of their perspective platforms. The 3DXPoint water cooler talk is all the craze, even if the product isn’t available to its full potential.

Infinio is a server-side caching solution I have been benchmarking as a potential offering to customers, and I have been very impressed with the quick results. Being able to reduce Read latency (400% in my case) in as little as 15 mins, is what sold me.

Infinio Accelerator is built on three fundamental principles:

  1. The highest performance storage architecture is one where the
    hottest data is co-located with applications in the server
    As storage media has become increasingly faster, culminating in the
    ubiquity of flash devices, the network has become the new bottleneck. An
    architecture that serves I/O server-side provides performance that is
    significantly better than relying on lengthy round-trips to and from even
    the highest performing network-based storage. By serving most I/O with
    server-side speed, as well as reducing demands on centralized arrays,
    Infinio can deliver 10X the IOPS and 20X lower latency of typical storage
  2. A “memory-first” architecture is required to realize the best
    storage performance
    RAM is orders of magnitude faster than flash and SSDs, but is price prohibitive
    for most datasets. Infinio’s solution to this problem is a
    content-based architecture, whose inline deduplication enables RAM to
    cache 5X-10X more data than its physical capacity. The option of evicting
    from RAM to a server-side flash tier (which may comprise PCIe flash, SSDs,
    or NVMe devices) offers additional caching capacity. By creating a tiered
    cache such as this, Infinio makes it practical to reduce the storage
    requirements on the server side to just 10% of the dataset. Long-term
    industry trends such as storage-class memory are another indication that a
    memory-first architecture is appropriate for this application.
  3. Delivering storage performance should be 100% headache-free
    Infinio’s software enables the use of server-side RAM and flash to be
    transparent to storage environments, supporting the use of native storage features like snapshots and clones, as well as VMware integrations like
    VAAI and DRS. The introduction of Infinio begins to provide value
    immediately after a non-disruptive, no reboot, 15 minute installation. This
    is in sharp contrast to server-side flash devices used alone, which can
    provide impressive performance results, but require significant
    maintenance and cumbersome data protection.

What does Infinio do exactly?

Infinio Accelerator is a software-based server-side cache that provides high
performance to any storage system in a VMware environment. It increases
IOPS and decreases latency by caching a copy of the hottest data on serverside
resources such as RAM and flash devices. Native inline deduplication
ensures that all local storage resources are used as efficiently as possible,
reducing the cost of performance. Results can be seen instantly following the
non-disruptive, 15-minute installation that doesn’t require any downtime, data
migration, or reboots. 70% of I/O request are Reads (on average), most of your I/O Reads will come directly from super-fast Ram

How does it actually work?

Infinio is built on VMware’s VAIO (vSphere APIs for I/O Filters) framework,
which is the fastest and most secure way to intercept I/O coming from a virtual
machine. Its benefits can be realized on any storage that VMware supports; in
addition, integration with VMware features like DRS, SDRS, VAAI and vMotion
all continue to function the same way once Infinio is installed. Finally, future
storage innovation that VMware releases will be available immediately through
I/O Filter integration.

In short, Infinio is the most cost-effective and easiest way to add storage
performance to a VMware environment. By bringing performance closer to
applications, Infinio delivers:
20X decrease in latency
10X increase in throughput
Reduced storage performance costs ($/IOPS) and capacity costs ($/GB)

Final Thoughts

Honestly, there could not be an easier solution that provides as dramatic results as Server-Side caching. Deploying Ininfio when you are in a performance jam provides immediate relief, and should be part of your performance enhancing arsenal. There is a free trial as well, and remember, there is no downtime to install or uninstall Infinio in your environment.

Please reach out to myself, or your Solution Provider to learn more and test drive Infinio Accelerator. NetWize IT Solutions.

Dell DPACK 2.0

For those not familiar with the “Dell Performance Analysis Collection Kit” (DPACK), it is a pretty incredible tool that allows you to visualize the current storage and server workloads from the perspective of the host. It is a great tool for planning Capacity and I/O requirements, and can even be used to troubleshoot problems with your storage and storage network. DPACK measures the following:
– Disk I/0
– Throughput (Which is more important than I/O when we’re talking FLASH)
– Capacity
– Memory Consumption on your Servers
– CPU Utilization on your Servers
– Network Traffic
-Queue Depths

Version 2.0 allows real-time analysis statistics that you can view, instead of having to wait the 24 hrs you were required to wait and let it run previously. Version 2.0 gives you better views into your data for additional insight, and presents this data in a form that Executives can appreciate when you go to them with a PO Request.

Some other things to know about DPACK 2.0 are:
– Uses HTML 5 for viewing real-time data in a browser
– Generate PDFs of data collected to present to management
– DPACK compresses analyzed data and transmits to server every 5 mins
– Uses secure SSL on port 443
– DPACK will continue to run and collect data in the event it loses ability to upload
– DPACK isn’t performance impacting and can be (and should be) run during business hrs

So how do you get started with DPACK 2.0? Its best to call up your local Dell Storage Team and discuss DPACK. Netwize, is a great resource for any Dell Data Center needs, helps customers run DPACK all the time and are a great resource for you to reach out to. I work for Netwize so please feel free to reach out to us and we will get you set up.

Understanding Dell DPACK

The Dell DPACK Tool is a unique agentless tool that collect performance statistics of servers (Physical and Virtual) and displays them in an easy to read report. Key metrics in this report include Throughput, Average IO Size, IOPS, Latency, Read/Write Ratio, Peak Queue Depth, Total Capacity, CPU and Memory Usage and much more. Running this tool against your servers adds NO overhead to your servers and provides a wealth of information.

See this sample report:

Dell DPACK Report

Dell DPACK Report

Data collected through this tool is crucial in sizing SAN storage for your organization.
If you would like a free report on what your environment looks like, along with recommendations, please contact Netwize here and request this free service: http://www.netwize.net/contact-us/

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