VMware Update Manager (VUM) Repositories – HP, Dell, IBM, Lenovo

VMware’s Update Manager is a pretty convenient tool that allows you to patch your ESXi hosts with the latest security, feature, drivers and bug patches. By default, VMware Update Manager downloads these patches from its own repository, but sometimes (usually) doesn’t have the latest drivers and patches for host servers from their actual manufactures (Dell, HP, Cisco, IBM). Most these vendors offer a repository that VUM can use to download drivers from those manufactures. Here is how you do it.

Assuming you have Update Manager installed, in the Windows vSphere Client (Web Client can’t use VUM yet)
1. Go to the “Home” screen.
2. Toward the bottom of the screen, click “Update Manager

3. Then click on “Configuration” on the Top Tab
4. “Download Settings” on the left side,
5. And finally, click “Add Download Source” above the repository window.

Here you can add URL’s that the manufactures have provided to download the latest drivers and patches. VMware Update Manager will periodically check for new updates from these URLs, and download them automatically. Not every manufacture provides this feature, but here are the ones I could find.

HPE Repository 1
HPE Repository 2
HP Management Tools
Brocade 1
Brocade 2

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