If you are rocking your own FreeNAS storage at home or office, you’ll know that FreeNAS’ built-in plugins are hardly up to date. Updating the Plex plugin is fairly straightforward.
1. SSH to your FreeNAS
2. type: jls
3. Take the note of the Jail # of your Plex plugin
4. type: jexec # csh (where # is the number of the jail noted in last step)
5. type: fetch -o PMS_Updater.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mstinaff/PMS_Updater/master/PMS_Updater.sh
5. type: chmod 755 PMS_Updater.sh
6. type: ./PMS_Updater.sh -u PlexPass_User -p PlexPass_password -a
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