Tag Archives: vrops

vROps – Monitor Windows Processes and Resources with Guest VM

I recently ran a hands-on-lab with my fellow IT Peers on vRealize Operations Manager, and one of the (many) items I did not cover but was asked about, was if vROps had the ability to “peer” into the guest VM itself and monitor and manage resources and processes. I told users I would send a whitepaper to the group on this, but thought a post might illustrate it better.

VMware uses the Hyperic Monitoring agent and is able to hook it right into the VM, Windows or Linux. The first step is to head over to myvmware.com and download the EndPoint Agents for vRealize Operations Manager and Run as Administrator (always best practice)

Enter vROps Server Address

Now we need the Certificate Thumbprint of the vROps server. (Doesn’t matter if its registered or self-signed). To get this, in a browser, go to
and login

Click the cert icon in top right-hand corner

Copy the thumbprint

Note: Unless you replaced the original certificate with a custom certificate, the second thumbprint in the list is the correct one. If you did upload a custom certificate, the first thumbprint in the list is the correct one.

Now paste that thumbprint in the installer window

Login with local vROps credentials

Take defaults and install.


After the install, it may take 5-10 mins before the EP agent checks in with vROps, but when it does, you should be able to see it under
EnvironmentOperating SystemsOperating Systems WorldWindows