Tag Archives: password reset

Reset HPE ILO Password from vSphere ESXi Host

Changing the login password of the ILO Out-of-Band Management with an ESX host can be done by doing the following:

  1. Enable SSH on the host you need the ILO IP from
  2. SSH into the host using Putty or another SSH client
  3. Type: cd /opt/hp/tools

From here, we will create a new file that will contain the new credentials you want to use on the iLO going forward. You can create this file and copy to the above location using WinSCP,or use Vi to do this all within putty

4. Type: vi pwreset.xml
5. Type: i
(this will put you into insert mode and allow you to copy the below text so you don’t have to type it. Please use your own password on line 5)

<LOGIN USER_LOGIN="Administrator" PASSWORD="unknown">
<USER_INFO MODE="write">
<MOD_USER USER_LOGIN="Administrator">
<PASSWORD value="Enter-Your-Password-Here"/>

6. Press the Esc key
7. Type: :wq to save and exit the file
8. Type: ./hponcfg -f pwreset.xml to reset the iLO

You should now be able to login with your new credentials. The last step is to remove the file you just created.

9. Type: cd /opt/hp/tools
10. Type: rm -rf pwreset.xml