FreeNAS (Now called TrueNAS) recently removed the Resilio Sync Plugin from their repository which is a shame. Finding a tutorial on updating Resilio Sync that was created as a Plugin, and not a Jail, has been a time consuming waste. I am outlining steps on how to manually update Resilio Sync. I hope one day TrueNAS will add this back.
- Download Resilio Sync for FreeBSD x64 here.
- Extract the file so you can access the rslsync file

3. Stop the Resilio Sync Jail in FreeNAS

4. Using WinSCP or similar app, Replace the rslsync file located here: /mnt/FreeNAS/iocage/jails/rslsync/root/usr/local/bin
Your path may be different depending on your naming schema

5. Start the plugin in FreeNAS again
6. Using WinSCP Console or SSH to the rslsync file location, run the following:
chmod +x rslsync

7. Start the Jail again
8. Login to Resilio Sync and verify the version under Preferences

Note, the actual version under the plugin section does not get updated with the correct version. This version is controlled by the plugin manifest, and since TrueNAS/FreeNAS is no longer including Reslio Sync in the plugin collection, this will still show the old version.