Dell Compellent’s Enterprise Manager is growing up and has been rebranded Dell Storage Manager, since it can now manager SC and PS storage. DSM is available as a VMware Appliance, and that is what we will use to deploy DSM.
First things first – You’ll need to get the download link from CoPilot, as it is not publicly available in Knowledge Center.
Once you have the file, extract it and deploy the OVF file as you would any other appliance in VMware.
Once deployed and running, you have a few options:
1- Download the Client, Admin Guide, etc (Do this by going to https://appliance_IP)
2- Run the Setup (https://appliance_IP/setup
We are going to run the setup
Start by hitting the URL https://appliance_IP/setup
Username: config
Password: dell
Add you existing SC and PS Storage Systems and you’re ready to rock and roll
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